Servicecenter Beställ katalog. Metrel is an international Group and an expert in the research, development and production of test and measure- ment equipment. Metrel brand name is worldwide recognized and associated with high quality test and measurement.
Levereras komplett i väska inkl. Aldrig har det varit snabbare att testa, mäta och dokumentera. EurotestXC EurotestXC kV. We are gla to be able to offer high professional test equipment, for carrying out absolute inspection of electric.
Best selling installation tester in Europe! EUROTEST-ATS med patenterad AUTO SEQUENCE-funktion för automatiska testsekvenser. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on. Short instruction manual ;. Ukázka jak se měří napětí s přístrojem EUROTEST XC.
Měření probíhá online a je stále zobrazováno v pravém dolním rohu displeje. Concentrate on your work instead on the instruction Continuity manual of your test instrument. The large graphic display with backlight offers easy reading of , indications, measurement parameters and messages.
Still need help after reading the user manual ? Post your question in our forums. Aldri har det vært raskere å teste, måle og dokumentere. Product Description. Experts from the fiel maintenance people, inspectors and specialists help us ascend and descend the slopes with design and efficiency.
RCD automatikus fokozatban t t2-nél 500ms- nál nagyobb értéket és tt4-nél 1- 300ms értéket ír ki. Valamint időhatáron túli jelzést jelez, ami természetesen nem megfelelő. Testavimo įtampa izoliacijos matavimo režime - 5kV. Prietaisas yra tvirtas ir lengvai eksploatuojamas. Prehľad multifunkčných prístrojov METREL.
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